1er réseau féminin de Business Angels en France et en Europe


In March 2020, during the 3rd edition of WinDay, the women’s investment forum, Femmes Business Angels wrote a white paper on the theme of investment and shareholding, levers of economic success for women. One year later, find our English version, an opportunity for us to go beyond borders. 

In its white paper, FBA makes three observations:

Many speeches and actions aim to promote the place of women in the economy, but women’s investment and shareholding are forgotten, even though they have tremendous leverage effects for the economy.

There are few, if any, studies on the subject of women’s shareholding. Women are largely under-represented in the sphere of shareholding and investment due to cultural, educational, family and financial obstacles.
However, women are a formidable lever for boosting the entrepreneurial value chain and providing new essential resources for the development of a more sustainable, more inclusive and fairer economy.

FBA conducted some 20 hearings with economic players and drew on its proximity to male and female entrepreneurs, its proven practice of co-investment with public and private investment funds, its collaboration with participatory financing platforms and its long experience in training women on the subjects of investment and entrepreneurship to formulate 4 courses of action:

o Collect data on women’s shareholding and create a women’s shareholding index under the guidance of a multidisciplinary committee.
o Mobilize and support women shareholders by developing training in shareholding and investment, following the example of the investment master classes created by FBA.
o Better direct public funds to the most inclusive companies.
o Support private investment by improving the tax incentive of the Madelin scheme for investments made in companies that respect impact, gender and diversity criteria.